We have been intensively working to support the research and innovation community of the Danube Region for three and a half years. Our activities have fostered policy dialogue and integration of the Danubian R&I systems into the European Research Area. We managed to create networks among key stakeholders and have also contributed analyses to support the regional R&I development and decision making. Our events, publications and policy recommendations have always aimed to reach an audience as broad as possible and engaged in the future macro-regional development of the Danube Region.
Here you can find our public deliverables as well as some key reports produced by the project team.
Moreover, since Danube-INCO.NET has also aimed to become a stable reference point for high quality information on R&I relevant to DR countries, starting from tomorrow, the information service provision, consisting in the portal and related newsletter, will be re-designed by ZSI with the support of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy.
This can guarantee you, until autumn 2019, a basic service including quarterly newsletters as well as portal updates. To further extend this information provision other relevant STI stakeholders will be approached in the next weeks to investigate the possibility of additional support. We hope to create soon a sustainable knowledge sharing community!
Thank you for appreciating our work and newsletter over these years. We encourage you to continue to volunteer your time and contribute articles in following months as well. Your thoughts and comments are welcomed as always! To contact us directly please send us an email at: .
With best regards,
The Danube-INCO.NET project team