WBC-RRI.NET project is seeking good practices of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) from and for the Western Balkans.
Good practices are considered in the following areas:
- Gender equality in research and innovation (R&I),
- Ethics in R&I,
- Public Engagement (for R&I),
- Science Education,
- Open Access, Open Science, Open Data and
- RRI Governance.
Good practices are processes, initiatives or working methods that have proved successful to introduce or implement a RRI related practice or to optimise the performance of related activities. A good practice is practically a successful response to address RRI challenges, ranging from policy development, promotion of RRI, capacity building, through products, processes or services and intra-organisational tools.
The application process is now open, there is a short template to fill to participate in this continuous call. There is a plan to organise peer-learning webinars highlighting good practices and promote them regionally and internationally. Compendium of good practices will be published and three good (best!) practices will be awarded.
More information is available on the project website.