The ultimate goal of this call will be to enable young apprentices to develop their skills and enhance employability prospects, whilst also strengthening their sense of European citizenship. This will be done by testing different approaches for putting in place the infrastructure as well as the institutional and contractual frameworks (e.g. developing the service structures for the organisation of travel & accommodation, language courses, learning agreements, practical welcome information packs, coaching methods, insurance arrangements) necessary to organise the placements of apprentices from departure to return.
Three main objectives will guide the actions to be developed through the projects financed. Firstly, these will set out to test whether sufficient demand and uptake exists among relevant stakeholders for developing long-term (6-12 months) trans-national apprentice mobility placement schemes. Secondly, projects will seek to identify obstacles (legal, practical, institutional, academic…) that prevent apprentices from carrying out longer term stays abroad. Finally, lessons will be drawn to disseminate good practices and success factors on long-term work placements for apprentices.