The countries currently participating in the ERA.Net RUS Plus Call for ‘Innovation Projects’ are Austria, Germany, Greece, Romania, Russia, and Turkey. For updates please check the call website:
Eligible projects can be funded in research areas assigned to innovative technologies of high utilisation, with a high market potential and of particular importance for the EU as well as for Russia. The projects must be designed to lead to innovative products, services or processes of significant economic and/or societal value.
Teams applying for funding must be eligible for funding by their respective national funding organisation. They can be research and higher education entities, research and innovation performing SMEs, or other entities eligible for funding according to respective national legislation.
Eligible project consortia must comprise at least 3 project partners from at least 2 different countries, of which at least 1 team is from Russia. Consortia with at least 3 countries are preferred. Applicants who are non-eligible for funding can join any eligible consortium submitting a proposal on their own expenses.
Further details will be published together with the call at:
The ERA.NET PLUS initiative with Russia aims at enhancing the coordination of national or regional research programmes in the EU Member States and countries associated to Horizon 2020 in order to strenghten STI cooperation with Russia.
The ERA.Net RUS Plus Call 2017 for Innovation Projects follows the huge success of a similar support measure implemented in 2014/2015 that resulted in 18 funded ‘Innovation’ and 45 funded ‘Science & Technology’ projects. 25 funding parties from 16 countries and the EU supported these research projects with a total volume of EUR 20 million.